A cooperating broker wrote an amount of compensation in the broker-information section on page 9 of the residential contract that's different than the compensation amount I, 作为上市经纪人, 在美国职业足球大联盟提供. When I called the matter to her attention, she said that she has always been paid that amount and would neither change the amount nor alter her practice. 她能做到吗??

No. 根据MLS的规则, listing brokers must specify the compensation being offered to cooperating MLS participants. These offers are unconditional unilateral offers. The unilateral offer becomes an enforceable agreement between the brokers when a seller and a buyer execute a purchase contract and the cooperating broker is the procuring cause of that sale. Although the brokers can mutually agree to modify the cooperating compensation, neither broker can unilaterally change the compensation as stated in the MLS.

除了, Standard of Practice 16-16 under Article 16 of the REALTOR® 道德守则 states that a REALTOR® acting as a buyer's representative may not use the terms of an offer to attempt to modify the listing broker’s offer of compensation or make the submission of an offer contingent on the listing broker agreeing to modify the compensation.